Categories : Copywriting Email Marketing Marketing Tips


“Do you have any good swipe copy I can use?”

That’s one of the most frequently asked questions I get from my team.

Most people don’t know how to write their own email ad copy. That’s a skill that every Internet Marketer needs to learn but that’s the thing… it takes some time to learn. And one of the best ways to learn is by doing what I’m about to teach you now.

Follow The Leader

What you want to do is get on as many leaders email lists as possible. I created a separate email address just for this purpose so I know all the emails I get in that inbox are leaders emails.

Find out who all the top earners or leaders are in your online business (company). Whether they are on your team or not. The easiest way to get on their mailing list is to find one of their lead capture pages that promote your business and opt in using your new email address.

I have found most of my leaders by doing a search of their first and last name on Google or YouTube. For the few that I couldn’t find I was able to find some contact information for them. An email address or a phone number. Then I contacted them and gave them my email address and asked them to please send me a link to one of their capture pages.

There are so many advantages to doing this…

  1. You get to see what those leaders are doing or saying that’s obviously converting very well for them.
  2. You can get an unlimited amount of swipe copy that you can modify a little bit and send to your list.
  3. You learn what kind of subject lines they use to get very high open rates. And you can also put together your own list of powerful subject lines for future use.
  4. You get some jaw-dropping success stories that you can use. Until you develop your own success stories, there’s nothing wrong with using someone else’s success story. In fact, I highly recommend you do that.

I have that email address added to my tablet and my cell phone because I don’t want to miss any of those emails. Even if I’m not in a position to use that swipe copy right away, many times it gives me some really cool ideas that I then write up my own emails about later on.

HINT:  I use the Voice Memo app on my cell phone  any time I come up with an idea because too many times before I would forget by the time I got home in front of my computer. My tablet has a voice memo app as well.

One thing I want to express here is that it’s not a good idea to always copy those emails verbatim. You may have to remove or replace some sentences or entire paragraphs if that particular content doesn’t apply to you. Like an experience the leader was talking about that only they had. Most of the time though, reading what they said will remind you of a similar experience that you had so you can quickly type that in to replace that material.

Read through the entire email and replace words, phrases or sentences so it sounds more like the way you talk. Come up with your own metaphors if you like to use metaphors like I do.

I hope this little marketing tip helps you out. Having a good amount of swipe copy available can be the difference between success and failure. Especially for people new to the Internet Marketing industry. If you like this article please tell me that in the Comments section below.


Clay Montgomery

 Posted on : November 13, 2013


Clay Montgomery is a veteran Internet Marketer, a Master List Builder, and a sought after Home Business Success Coach who has helped thousands of individuals achieve financial success in the affiliate marketing and network marketing arena. Google

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2 Responses to “Marketing Tip: How to Get All the Free Swipe Copy You Need”
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  1. Hi Clay, hope you are doing great. I want to show my appreciation for this great post. I would put this into practise. Its a wonderful idea. Thank you very much.

    1. Doing awesome here, Elvis, and I’m truly happy that you like this marketing tip. It has certainly helped me out for many years.
      Clay Montgomery recently posted..What True Financial Freedom Feels LikeMy Profile

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